00:00 I'm Dylan Hendrixson, I'm a chemical engineering major at the University of Illinois. I joined Illini 4000 because I really enjoy cycling, bike around campus all the time. And one of my teachers when I was in middle school, actually biked across the country. I was like, that's the first I heard, like, one could do this. I was always in the back of my mind, like, I want to do this. And then like freshman year, I saw an opportunity, but I was too late for signing up for it. So now my senior year I'm gonna do it. So recently with Illini 4000, we did a 75 mile bike ride to Rockville, Indiana, to visit one of the people we stay over with on the ride, Randy, who we've stayed with like 16 out of 17 years, and he's always very enthusiastic to see us. It's actually around his birthday. So when we ride over, and we went to dinner with him was really good time. It was nice to see like, the impact that cancer has and how other people really respond to our goal and what we're doing here. But one advantage of our diverse team on Illini 4000 is I get to meet people I would never have met at the University of Illinois. A lot of people in the social sciences, I know a lot of people in engineering, but it's nice to get to know these people too and what they're doing. As an engineer, we're kind of known to like break things into smaller chunks, I guess like it's probably how I'll approach the ride. It's like, maybe on that one day, okay, it's just to the next rest stop kind of, or you could just totally break down because it's such a monster of a goal to accomplish. But I think it'll be interesting because we all have to get there at the same time. Transcribed by https://otter.ai